Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Gift of God Himself to Us.

How quickly we will find ourselves fearing, loving and trusting in an idol. No. Not necessarily a false deity but something with which we concern ourselves to supply our needs. This we have found to be true the times we were forced out of the work force due to economic conditions and health challenges. This still occurs as we face uncertain future as far as health as well as finances are concerned. This is all quite repulsive when we consider all those things in which we are trusting are gifts from Our Heavenly Father.

And do to this we have this gift from Our Heavenly Father:

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
“You shall have no other gods before me."

(Exodus 20:2-3 ESV)

This was originally given to Our Lord's people after he brought them out of bondage to once again love, serve and worship him. During their captivity exposure to false deities in all forms from the Nile river to insects were their experience. Our Lord wanted them to be reminded that he is the True and Living Creator of all things and he wanted them to not be enslaved to the false ones who could not help them.

One is embraced by the thought: "What has this to do with me? I live in my choice of house, I work a job that I chose. I even got my own retirement savings account for when I am too old to work. By living in the United States I have the ability to also choose my leaders. I am not in slavery to any false god."

Those are indeed good things. They can make life comfortable and give us freedom to serve our neighbors which a slave would never posses. However, we never want to sacrifice the good and wonderful gift Our Lord gives us by giving himself to us. The false idols we create are in constant need of our sacrifices to them. Our True and Living Lord sacrificed himself for us to reconcile us to himself the God and Father of all.

In Holy Baptism he places his name on us and by being a Baptized child of God we can have certainty.

In Confession and Holy Absolution he once again confirms to us his forgiveness of all our sin in spite of who we are, what we have done or left undone.

In Holy Communion, by his institution and promise, he unites himself to us by feeding us his True and Living Body and Blood.

Through his Sacrifice we are set free from our idols and have Our Creator as his gift to us. 

Trust this good news and live in its peace. Amen. †